How does seenaptic work?

Powerful, intuitive, and secure⁠⁠—our platform will transform the way you view, manage, and validate your tagging plan.

Reproduce user journeys on your website with user scenarios.

Crawlers are unable to access certain pages on your site that require user action: conversion funnel, customer space, forms, etc. But thanks to user scenarios, you can include these pages in your automated testing.

100% de votre plan de marquage contrôlé grâce aux scénarios utilisateur
Parcourez l'ensemble de vos pages

Use crawlers to browse through all your pages.

Similar to Google crawlers, our test bots browse through all the pages of your website to run quality control checks and to verify that:

  • Your tags are properly firing
  • Data layers are present on every page
  • The right digital data is being collected according to your tagging plan

Classify your pages by context.

Not every page needs tags. Also, tags don’t always collect the same information. The value of your data layer variables may vary from page to page.

Our test bots (crawlers and scenarios) browse through all your pages.

Arrange them by templates in line with your tagging plan (home page, offer page, product page, conversion funnel, etc.) to execute more relevant audits.

Classez vos pages par contexte pour des vérifications efficaces de vos données

A platform for

Monitor GDPR compliance for all your tracking

Automate audits for your tracking

Téléchargez l’extension seenaptic sur Chrome

Download the seenaptic Chrome extension.

Speed up configuration for testing. Accessible directly from your browser, our extension makes it possible to execute the user journeys you’d like to test. The different stages of each scenario are automatically recorded in your interface. All you need to do is define your verification rules.

Verification rules to validate your tracking.

You’ve indicated in your tagging plan that your Analytics tag must be present on all your product sheets, and that you also need to match with a “product_price” data layer variable. The value of this variable must also be identical to the product prices that are displayed to your web visitors.

Easily define your test rules in seenaptic. Ensure that the implementation of your tags and data layer are consistent on your website.

Les règles de vérification pour valider votre tracking

Why automate tracking testing with seenaptic?

Continuously audit conformity with your tagging plan

Soyez alerté en cas d’anomalie de tracking

Receive alerts when tracking anomalies are discovered

Améliorez la qualité-des données

Improve data quality

Maîtriser les cookies et -traceurs sur votre site

Ensure GDPR compliance

more than just a tool!

A dedicated team and a network of partners, including analytics agencies and independent consultants, to guide and support you in your data quality improvement initiatives.


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